Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kids are wicked funny (at least, mine are)

Sammy is sleeping, all by himself, and Elsa is off to Adlebert Farm with David riding along, so here I am.  Also, Tara, are fabulous house cleaner is here.  I don't know how mamas do it without her, in particular.  Anyway, I have a rare moment to sit down-I can read when I nurse, but what to do with hands free...I think I might work on David's sweater--I got these adorable fireman buttons and all I have left are the button bands--but first, I wanted to pop in here.

So, I wanted to announce that, in addition to a doll named Titty (named for a character from the book Swallows and Amazons--apparently it's a nickname for Christina--perhaps out of favor these days), there is a stick named the Vaginator.  This morning, David came charging  in with it, announcing that the Vaginator could cook food for me, nurse the baby, AND reduce bad policemen to dust.  Only bad policemen, of course.  I am thinking that the Vaginator is actually related to a veginator or something like that, also, we are not anti-policeman here, although it may have come up with regard to a discussion about Civil Rights.

Let's see, what else--we had a nice Thanksgiving with our lovely neighbor Amanda and her little girl.  She took some beautiful pictures-she is quite a photographer--that I would like to post here when I am not worried that Sammy is going to wake up. 

Also, our house is covered with duct tape signs, identifying all of the rooms:  there is the the bach room, the lo dree room, the kichen.  I find it totally thrilling that she is venturing into writing without asking for the correct spelling.  She is getting a real sense of how the written word works. 

We also found a new violin teacher for Elsa.  It turns out that I am not at all a Tiger Mother, and Suzuki did not work for me.  I was not interested in a complicated rewards chart to make Elsa practice, and sometimes I was not able to be the one to take Elsa to her lesson, or to do that without a child or two.  So, this is more low key, but I am feeling successful because hey, at least I did it. 

That's all folks.  Hopefully I will get it together to post some Thanksgiving pictures.