Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just checking in...

I want, to keep up with this just a little, but things are crazy for me of late.  I kind of thought it was manageable until Sammy started crawling, and then I started to lose my mind.  I am encouraging myself that it is not necessarily the number of children that I have, but just ordinary mobile babyhood that is chaotic.  Sammy is crawling and pulling up, and I am sweeping multiple times a day.  (This is abnormal behavior for me.)  He just crawls along, stops, picks up some random thing off the floor, sticks it in his mouth, and keeps going, making weird sucking noises.  Sometimes the weird random thing is one of those incredibly expensive baby puff things that I swore I would never buy, decrying the whole baby product industry, until I had him and could get fifteen minutes to do the dishes by sticking him in his high chair and feeding him those, but some of the weird random things are, well, not.  So, my floors are relatively clean, but the rest of the house isn't really, to some degree because we are having the rainiest summer ever, and to some degree because I feel like I am managing only the bare minimum here.  I have been falling asleep, fully clothed, when I nurse Sammy to sleep at night, and he is a morning nurser, which is really lovely, so I am not getting up early.  Also, I am by no stretch of the imagination a morning person.

Our dishwasher is broken, and I miss it so.  Also, the chickens are going to be penned up in a run very, very soon.  The last straw was when I caught them eating my unripe blackberries.  They already get into the garden regularly, scratch up and "harvest" the potatoes,  make it impossible to plant new lettuce, and such, but I certainly cannot tolerate them eating my blackberries because, well, I am not getting much out of my garden and I want the berries.  So Tara, our awesome cleaning lady who is also a handywoman, is going to come out and help me set it up, and then I will learn how to do it.  Neither Jesse nor I are very handy at all, and I want to become more so, so I am hoping to just work with her and learn things. 

The big kids are both at Farm Camp, which they are both enjoying--and it is from 9-3.  David really wanted to do it, and is doing pretty well for such a long day.  So I have a bit more time.  But I should be putting laundry away while Sammy sleeps.  (He sleeps for so much longer when they are not here....)

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