Sunday, May 6, 2012

I will keep writing here, even if there is no theme really....

It's ten o'clock, and I just crept out and flung two of our chicks (Rhoda and Sassafrass--the Rhode Island Red and I am thinking Black Australorp) into the top part of their coop.  They have not figured out how to go up to roost at night, and spend the night at the bottom of the coop, huddled together for warmth.  I do remember reading that you are supposed to usher the chicks up to their roost at night when you first put them out in the coop, as normally the mama hen would, but that is pretty impossible with our chicken arc set up. I am hoping wishing that putting them up there tonight will help them to figure it out that they are supposed to go up to the coop.  I am frankly not too hopeful, as the two girls up there seem thoroughly unimpressed with being up there, whereas the other two on the bottom seem very content.  Oh well. 

On a positive note, I have wanted to get chickens for a long time, but the thing is that I have this thing about birds, at least in the house.  Last year, Petunia, our very fat cat, brought in a bird.  I clapped my hands and she dropped it, and it scuttered under the table.  This is embarassing, but I huddled on the couch and made Elsa go look for it.  I thought it was a hummingbird (it was a sparrow) but couldn't bring myself to look at it.  Then I called my neighbor (actually, I called all of my neighbors, but only one was available) to come and help me get the bird out of our house.  She came over with a broom, and together we managed to get the bird out gently.   Anyway, I was a little worried that I would not be able to touch our chickens, but luckily, I can, and actually like cuddling their sweet feathery bodies.  Maybe I will be calmer about birds in the house, as well...but, probably not.

Elsa had her violin recital a while back.  It was so cute--she played her monkey song (basically going up and down the e-string), and did her rhythms, and was inspired by the little boy who has been playing for a few years, as was I.  We haven't practiced much since, though, except when I showed her some You Tube clips of the amazing Carolina Chocolate Drops, with whom I am currently obsessed.  They are an African American group, playing roots music, and the woman is a completely amazing musician, playing the fiddle, banjo and kazoo and singing amazingly.  Anyway, Elsa was inspired, and got out her violin on her own and began playing.  She did some of her rhythms, and then she began some frantic bowing along with singing a long made-up song about a mama and her baby rocking in the old oak tree, upon which I think her Suzuki teacher would have frowned.  I, as you may imagine, did not frown upon her playing that way at all.  I still can't find a good time for daily practicing.  I have been feeling kind of frantic about all of the things I feel like I need to do--the house constantly feels out of control, I want to get down to the garden...and I want to read to the children and actually, check FB way too often.  It's a problem.

The garden is kind of sucking right now....My kale will not grow, which is discouraging,  the peas have made slow progress, and the broccoli is bolting.  I think it is time to amend the soil and get our summer garden going.  Our strawberry patch is booming though, and I have planted four blueberry bushes, so things are not all bad, I just have higher expectations about what I had to accomplish.  When I was pregnant with David, it would have never occurred to me that I should have a big garden, and chickens, and make the kids got older, space has opened up in my life to do other things, which I think is important and good for the kids, but I find myself frustrated by my low energy and sore back, and just not able to accomplish what I want to.  I try to remind myself that it is one season, and that I will be able to do it again next year, albeit with a tiny person probably on my back or rolling around in the dirt....but it is not always effective. 

I finished one sleeve on the sweater I have been making David since January...I only seem to knit when I am at yoga class with the kids on Thursday.  They both completely love it--I have never seen David so sweetly serious about anything.  He is totally focussed and loves the poses, and talks a lot about doing yoga.  Elsa loves it as well, although she is hoping that there will be a recital soon.  I am by no means a yogi, but I am pretty sure that there won't be a recital.

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