Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rabbit Pen and Small Craft Project

Jerry definitely seems to want to go out and play...first, we were using the extra compost enclosure, but you really have to watch him in it, and I worry about hawks. So, my lovely mom got us this run and hutch for him, which seems to be a good set up.  Luckily, the children can get in there with him, and play with him too...definitely want to make sure that he is still socialized.  And I think we may get one more tomorrow...feeling a little nervous about it, but I think it will be nicer if they can get along.  Also, more fiber.   We are going to drive up to a farm tomorrow, and pick up another bunny.  I am hoping to pick the woman's brain a little to find out how she handles the harvest. 

We had a picnic out on the grass after the kids came home from school, looked at Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots (I love it), and then moved on to a craft project.  I am not sure why the salt is out there--I think maybe Elsa wanted some on her cucumbers.  We made these patchwork vases for Elsa and David's teachers.  (David thought his teachers would really enjoy dinosaur fabric...lots of it.)  Tomorrow is the last day of school, which is great except that I am suddenly realizing that it is actually Elsa's LAST day at the sweet Montessori school that she has loved so well.  Her last day with Ms. Melanie, the teacher she has had since she was three...She has finished kindergarten, and needs to move on...I am still not totally sure as to where.  I think probably the primary school here in town.  I would like to home school her, but I am not sure I can get it together, or convince her it's a really good idea.  More for later, I suppose.   Anyway, it's not my own last experience with the school or even the wonderful Ms. Melanie, as David will be with her for another two years.  And I imagine this little one inside will be there too, with Ms. Melanie if I can do anything about it.  But still, it is a milestone, a big event really, and although I am just as glad that it wasn't celebrated with cap and gown (that seems to be pushing it, a bit for kindergarten), I do want to mark it for her and myself, and remember to be thankful to her wonderful teachers.

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