Friday, March 22, 2013

We had sort of a dreadful day yesterday.  David is finally on the mend from a horrible sickness.  It may have been the flu...the day before, I took him to the doctor, promising him ice cream and candy if he would just cooperate.  It was terrible and innapropriate, but I didn't know how else to manage with the baby and him.  He did it, and was remarkably compliant, although chattering nervously the entire time, so that I couldn't discuss anything about Sammy with the doctor.  He did begin to freak out about the otoscope, and so I asked the doctor not to use it.  He didn't have ear pain.

Anyway, we were definitely housebound yesterday.  David still had a bit of a fever, and was incredibly, incredibly cranky.  And I was/am still incredibly tired.  It was back to newborn stage sleepwise with David waking up and really needing to sleep with his mama...and so homeschooling was uninspired, and it was incredibly cold.  I was counting on spring, but we are having below freezing temperatures all day long and it sucks. 

I read aloud a whole bunch of The Tale of Despereaux (it's so great), trading chapters with Elsa for No Fighting, No Biting...that is usually how I get her to read to me, by bribing with my reading something more compelling.  It is hard--the only books that Elsa can read yet are boring for a child who has been hearing complex chapter books since she was four.  Also, I made her do some workbook work which never really feels good.  I just felt uninspired, and well, I doing enough? Would she be getting more in school?  I started this with some kind of conclusion in mind, but it got lost in the mess of a baby needing to nurse, and more homeschooling, and floor sweeping and chicken feeding.

Today, however, was awesome.  It was still cold, and we didn't go out, and Sammy is no longer content to stay in his bouncy seat, so Elsa and I are constantly trading off, holding him, playing with him...he is on the cusp of sitting and I think that will make things easier....I have to say that my body is no longer up for wearing a baby all of the time.  I just can't do it.  Anyway, Elsa decided that she wanted to make sculpey clay models of all the gods.  First, we tried to remember them--then counted them...then made a list.  Then she worked for at least two hours...I had to make her stop to go outside for a little bit.  It just felt right.  

Today was better though..

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