Sunday, December 25, 2011


No pictures today--my camera needs new batteries, and I have been feeling too crazed to actually take pictures.  On the 22cnd, inspired by Ginny at Small Things, we did Christmas for the animals.  We strung (okay, mostly I strung) cranberries and popcorn, and we opened up all of our leftover decoration pumpkins and gourds.  The pumpkin and gourd part was a big hit around here, as we decided to fling them down on our patio to open them, and then we placed them around the yard for the squirrels.  We did not have a fire as planned, as it was pouring down rain (and very warm--it has been hard to believe it is December), so we turned out all the lights in the house and lit all the candles in the house.  I had hurriedly made a few beeswax candles, which feels like a nice tradtion, and we had our Advent wreath.  It was quite pretty.  However, I have to confess that the day did not feel at all calm and peaceful to me.  I was feeling anxious to make it happen, and prepare for my parents arrival, and I did want to make some sort of Solstice celebration take place.  And I am glad I did it, even if I did not get a real sense of calm, meditative peace.  I am looking forward to longer days--not that we can really complain around here, as it gets dark around 5:30 at the shortest day (the sun rises a good deal later, but I can hang with that), but the quality of light is what I miss.  Next year, hopefully I will have it more together, but, quite frankly, I probably won't.  Oh well. 

The 23rd was a great day.  My parents got here late on the 22cnd, so they were here the whole day, sending my children into paroxysms of joy.  The baking got done, which was fun, and we had a caroling party at our lovely neighbor who is a pianist.  Singing Christmas carols was such a huge part of my Christmases growing up, and I really want that for my children.  I made a bunch of cookies and the neighbors all went over and we sang and drank wine and my children ate A LOT of cookies.  I hope we keep doing it.

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