Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fairy House Workshop

If you are wondering why there are no pictures of David, it is because sometimes he wants to be in pictures, and sometimes he decidedly does not.   This is a picture of Elsa at the Fairy House Workshop I ran this past week.  (And, I made 75 dollars, how about that?)  I took pictures of the other kids too, but, although I know very little about internet etiquette, am pretty sure it would be inappropriate to post pictures of other people's children on my blog without their permission.  So, I didn't.  Once I got over my intense nervousness, it was fun.  I read a Robert Louis Stevenson poem, called "Flowers," which described the garden as a fairy forest, and tried to get the kids to imagine what it would be like to be so little in a garden.  They got into it...they had lots to say.  Then we gathered a bunch of materials from around the community gardens.  We did not, of course, pick anything from anyone's plot...

David has been getting into it too.  He wants me to come outside with him and work on building his, which is basically a big pile of grass under the oak tree.  I added some sticks and other things, but he really gets into ripping up grass, putting it into his bucket, and dumping it onto the pile.  The four and under crowd appears to be less into the arranging than the older kids.  

Unfortunately, right now I am sick with hopefully just a 24 hour bug, but I have successfully farmed out my children, David to a woman who had a baby three weeks ago (she does have her husband home, but still.) Anyway, I am feeling very grateful for this great community as I sit here, sipping water and dreaming about crackers....

Also, today is the Solstice, I know.  We have plans to celebrate it.  Elsa and I even bought marshmellows at the natural grocery store in Asheville, so we could have a fire and a celebration.  But, like I said, I have a bug which is pretty much prostrating me.  So, I guess we will pretend that the Solstice is tomorrow.  That feels scientifically wrong, but mama energy wise right.  (I could tell the kids that today is actually the longest day, but that we will celebrate tomorrow, but that would be greeted with horror and a desire for marshmellows immediately, which, in general, sounds like a good lesson for them, however, again, after a day of being able to keep nothing down, I am not up for that battle.)

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