Monday, January 16, 2012


I am typing this while sitting with Elsa, waiting for her to go to sleep.  For a long time she was content to go to sleep in her own bed (after an hour of snuggling and stories) with a kiss and a song, but lately things have been shifting back, and she needs more.  Maybe it is some big developmental milestone coming.  It is probably good for me, as I have other things more pressing to do than writing here, but this is all I can do.

Lately, dinnertime has been so sweet.  Tonight, we made bagels(and tomato soup and peas).  I have been wanting to make them for a long time, and today, with the holiday and no pressing activities, seemed like the day.  I used this recipe, substituting a very small amount of whole wheat flour.  Next time, I will feel more free to use more, but I figured I had better follow the recipe correctly for a change.  I do tend to be a little relaxed about following a recipes--generally, I am a good enough cook that I can get away with it--but not always.  Anyway, it was fun and much easier and less intimidating than I thought it would be--as you can probably see, the children helped me shape the dough. 

I usually have the children set the table.  They do it with varying degrees of cheer and care.  Generally, the less directive I am and the more freedom I give Elsa to be creative, the better it goes.  (I am sometimes able to do that, and sometimes not...) Tonight, she found a pretty bowl, and prepared it with a few cloth napkins, and put the bagels out.  Then, laying out the bowls and plates and spoons was much more fun for her as she felt really invested in making everything nice.  And David loves to feel big and help by putting spoons and napkins out.  Also, Elsa loves serving things, so I am making an effort, which totally goes against the grain, of putting as much as possible into serving dishes (when things are not as rushed, obviously--some nights it is just throwing food onto their plates as soon as possible so they don't start trying to eat each other--definitely motivates me to keeping dinner early and relaxed). 

I do want to point out that Elsa is dressed as an old time girl/Mommy (she is wearing a shirt of mine, her pinafore, and her pilgrim girl hat.)  Before, both children were naked--I think they were playing horses or maybe leaping from the coffee table to the couch, and clothing was apparently too restrictive.  I should probably turn down the heat.  Anyway, being the very upright mother that I am, I do try to insist (again, unless children are completely falling apart from hunger and exhaustion) on clothes for mealtimes.  It does set the tone for a nicer meal.  David is wearing a too big bug shirt, which, if he ever really saw the picture printed on it, might never be worn again.  Gracious living here.

And then, tonight, as we all sat down and were served and getting ready to eat, David thrust his hands out, reminding us to sing our Johnny Appleseed grace:
Oh, the Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me
The things I need,
The sun and the rain
And the apple seed
The Lord is good to me
Amen, Amen, Amen! Amen! Amen!

Oh, these small rhythms that seem to mean so much to them.  Jesse and I were just beaming as we all held hands and sang.  I sometimes (often) balk at ending other things early in order to really prepare for a nice dinner, but it is so delightfully worth it when I do.

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