Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Birds

When I was a teenager, I remember coming upon my parents, sitting in the living room, listening to a CD of bird calls.  I teased them (gently) about what huge nerds they were.  I was not remotely interested.  Now, I am obsessed.  We have several bird feeders hanging outside of our room, and I often go in to gaze at the many birds fluttering around.  Unfortunately, I am not blessed with good vision.  I have some serious glasses, which I use for driving, but they give me a headache--apparently, you are supposed to just deal with the headache for a week, and then it goes away, but I really don't have time for feeling headachey and faintly nauseous, even for a week, when the solution is that simple.  So, often, I call to the children, and we consult the bird book together, because you know, I can't really see.  And they are getting itnerested, too.  Isn't it funny and wonderful (and scary) about how children at this age will just follow you along in your interests?  I realize this will change soon enough, but now it's kind of fun.   And I imagine someday soon I will be following them.

David loves to paint-pictures and himself (and the table and walls if I am not careful.)  I posted a similar picture on Facebook, and someone thought it was blood.  It's not.

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