Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yucky Soup

The kids are in the bath right now because they were just working on "Yucky Soup."  Actually, this year it has become "Poop Soup."  Awesome.  Last week, I got the hose out from under the house--I am facing the fact that it seems like winter is not coming here this year, and I wanted to water our compost and the part of the new garden where there is a bunch of leaves, compost and cardboard.  And the kids got out the big metal washtub and filled it with dirt, compost and water, making, yes, Yucky Soup, an ongoing project in spring and summer around here.  Usually, it works out fairly well, because eventually, it starts smelling, and we dump the water out on the garden.  They worked on it again today--I was in the house, making yogurt and bread, and suddenly two naked children came running in, very cold and muddy. I think they were filling their sled with mud... Now, it is definitely unseasonably warm here, however, it is still February-not naked weather yet.  So, they are in a warm bath, before we have to head out to violin lesson.

Jesse left today for Florida, and Elsa was so sad.  I bought a whole bunch of very easy to prepare meal items, and realized that that is totally boring and not my thing at all.  So, David and I made bread again this morning (I do still make all of our bread, but we haven't always actually had bread for a while), and I am attempting, yet again, to make yogurt.  I would love for it to become a regular thing, but  we will see.  We order our raw milk every other week, and it is kind of pricey, and I would really have to order four gallons in order to make it work to make yogurt, and have enough to last through the two weeks.  Tomorrow we are going to make granola--always a good plan when Jesse is away, because, he loves it and it does not last...

Let's see, what else--I have almost finished Buttercup Anne's sweater--I am realizing that while I like knitting sweaters and hats, I really love making playthings...the yarn that I ordered to begin Elsa's doll shipped today.  Very exciting.

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