Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I had both kids home today.  Pea was completely exhausted and overwrought from Halloween, and Dumpling doesn't go on Tuesdays.  It was uneventful but lovely.  We went to Earthfare (the healthy grocery store in Asheville), and had a late breakfast, then shopped.  Earthfare has those little carts for the kids to push, which in the past I have moaned and groaned about, but today they had such a good time that it was worth it.  It did make the shopping trip go longer, but it was fun, and it wore them out, which is always good.  Dumpling fell asleep on the way back, and Pea listened to some Sparkle stories while I tried to restore order in the chaos that had arisen, again, from Halloween.  Then we did some minor art projects-I made a kitty pirate sewing card for Dumpling, with which he was totally delighted, and he actually sat and sewed with it for a while before he smeared it and himself with glue and paint.  Pea painted and drew, then a bath for both of them as Dumpling was covered with glue and paint.  To be honest, the bath didn't do much--Pea was following him around for the rest of the day trying to peel it off of him.  I threw together some soup for dinner later, then it was time for Pea's violin lesson.  Dumpling plays with Pea's friend on the playground while Pea and I go in, then we play for a while after.  I love violin day--I love the strictness and warmth of her violin teacher, I love getting to watch, and I love that she is learning to make music.  I love that she loves it, and looks forward to it.  Afterwards, they played on the playground, managed to work out their squabbles, and I cast on for Dumpling's sweater.  I feel better with at least two interesting projects on the needles...typically, I like the beginnings of things.

Anyway, it is lucky that I am writing for myself, as the minutiae of our day is not particularly compelling, however, I just do love having them home together.  I love the unhurridness and flow of our days together.  I just like having them around.

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